
Ordering Your Trade Show Services

Trade shows have many complex moving parts that exhibitors will need to take note of in order to have a successful exhibition. For one, setting up your booth is hardly as simple as, say, building a piece of IKEA furniture using instructions. You will need to consider the electrical demands of the booth as well as all the A/V equipment and fittings you will be using. You also need to account for logistics, such as whether you will use Las Vegas installation and dismantle services.

You can make sure to account for all of these factors using the following guidelines for ordering trade show services:


Your trade show booth needs electricity to run its lights, signs and all of its A/V components. In most venues, this electricity is supplied either by the facility or the show decorator. You will usually be charged for a basic hookup constituting a minimum number of wattage as a component of your exhibition space. Each additional hookup you request – known as a “drop” – will come with added charges and service requirements, especially if you need to go above the minimum wattage.

To avoid overpaying for your electricity needs, assemble all of them into a single list. Account for each and every piece of equipment that needs power as well as miscellaneous power needs, like phone charging stations. Determine how much power the devices will use in total, preferably in amps as well as watts.

You can then use this list to make a diagram of how your electricity will be hooked up and flow throughout your booth. This diagram should have the adjacent booths labelled so that everyone can know where the “front” is oriented.

Note that labor costs can add up quickly for certain convention venues like the Las Vegas Center because these jobs are controlled by venue policies and/or trade unions. Account for these costs by reading your exhibitor kit carefully and deciding what you will and will not need.

Audio/Visual Equipment

You have two choices with A/V equipment: bring in your own or rent it from the venue.

While you might think that renting from the venue is less cost effective, know that there are plenty of costs associated with owning and transporting your own equipment. You may be charged fees for using the loading docks, for instance, and you may still need labor assistance from the venue in order to hook up your own equipment according to their standards.

Wires and Cords

Being supplied with an electricity drop and A/V equipment does not mean you will given all the cables you need to make your booth run properly. Take note of what is and is not offered with a typical A/V rental and services like electricity so you can plan ahead accordingly. If you need to take your own in, make sure it is of the best quality that you want, checking out online companies like HIFISYSTEMCOMPONENTS.COM can help you decide which wires/equipment would be best to bring in.

Also, know the venue’s requirements for running cables. Many require cables to be run underneath the flooring or to be taped down a certain way. Violating these rules could result in fines or hefty costs to make last-minute changes that bring you into compliance.

Carpet and Flooring

Before you assume that you can get away with the bare minimum of carpeting and floor padding as long as it looks nice, consider that your exhibitors and all trade show attendees will be on their feet most of the convention. So, comfortable flooring will definitely be noticed after eight-plus hours!

Once again, you are faced with the choice of renting versus owning your flooring. Owning means that you have to transport the materials yourself, but you do have the privilege of knowing exactly how it fits and having the perfect cutouts for running wires. You can also have more control over the condition of it, and can maintain it yourself. For more information on timber floor sanding, visit this site. You should consider such trade-offs, and if you do decide to rent, review the options available thoroughly so you will not have to make last-minute changes.

Las Vegas Installation and Dismantle Company

Because of all the factors above, predicting your costs and anticipating the work that needs to go into setting up your booth on time can be difficult unless you have experience at the exact venue your trade show is being held at. Since no one exhibitor can be familiar with all venues, entrusting a Las Vegas installation and dismantle company to handle the logistics and setup of your booth can make perfect sense. They can help you simplify costs and avoid compliance issues associated with the particular exhibition you will be attending.

So, in order to reduce the amount of stress spent on getting everything together, consider using an installation and dismantle company that can also provide you with an amazing custom booth design or a trade show booth rental, making everything one seamless package and making your costs far more predictable.

You can find out more about how Xibit Solutions can make your trade show experience easier by contacting us today.